Housing Committee

617 Lowry

All Hawthorne residents are welcome and eligible to become committee members.

We believe that everyone, owner-occupants and tenants, deserve decent, affordable and quality housing. We will accomplish this through collaboration with government and development partners, promoting home ownership opportunities, providing incentives for all owners to invest in their properties and encouraging demolition or rehabilitation of vacant houses.

Financial Assistance Programs

Utilizing City of Minneapolis NRP dollars, Hawthorne Neighborhood Council offers a variety of financial programs including down-payment assistance and emergency repair loans available to assist people interested in moving to and those currently living in the Hawthorne Neighborhood. Please call our partners CEE at 612-335-5884 or click this link for complete details.

For a list of available financial assistance programs, please visit our housing resources page.

The Hawthorne EcoVillage

The Hawthorne EcoVillage development represents shared a vision among Hawthorne neighborhood residents and leaders, community agencies and the City to respond pro-actively to issues of crime, poverty, foreclosures, vacant housing, unemployment and overall resident health.

Area Development Information