Hawthorne Huddle May 2nd Agenda

Friends of the Hawthorne Huddle,
On Thursday May 2, we will hear from Luana Nelson Brown, Director of the Minneapolis Office of Neighborhood Safety.
As is our custom, we will honor some very special individuals who work to make our community better every day. Join us in honoring these community leaders.
The Hawthorne Huddle will be held from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Please use the Zoom link on the first page. The Zoom Room is opened at 7:10 so feel free to join anytime.
WELCOME: Diana Hawkins of Hawthorne Neighborhood Council & Ann DeGroot of
Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board.
INTRODUCTIONS: Please put your name and affiliation in the chat bar so others can network with you after the meeting.
COVID and Other Heatlh UPDATES: Luisa Pessoa-Brandão, MSl, Manager, Epidemiology, Research, & Evaluation, City of Minneapolis – Health
HONORING those who make us better
Announcements – Sound the Alarm, Melanie Tschida
MAIN PROGRAM TOPIC: Director Luana Nelson Brown, Minneapolis Office of Neighborhood Safety, Presentation and Discussion
HAWTHORNE NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT: Diana Hawkins, Hawthorne Neighborhood Council
Next Hawthorne Huddle Meeting: June 6, 2024 — and all First Thursdays in 2024 (except July). In June we will hear from Michael Luseni, Principal of Tech Centers, Minneapolis Public Schools who will talk about the Career and Technical Education Centers.